Free Diapers for Furloughed Families in Charles County, Maryland 


January 17, 2019


LáVita Gardner; (202) 640-4451

Free Diapers for Furloughed Families in Charles County, Maryland

Newly established diaper bank to host its first diaper giveaway during the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday for families in Charles County, Maryland impacted by the government shutdown

St. Charles, MD: The Maryland Diaper Bank is hosting its first Diaper Giveaway on January 21, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the Catherine Foundation, 3065 Old Washington Road, Waldorf, MD 20601 for Charles County families affected by the government shutdown.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s five-year American Community Survey data over 25% of Charles County’s working age population (78,635) is employed in the public administration field (14,997), which includes the federal government. Census data also estimates that 6% of the total population in Charles County is under five years old. As a result of the government shut down many of these families are experiencing financial stress related, not only to food and housing costs, but basic diapering needs for their children.

To alleviate stress related to providing diapering essentials for infants and toddlers, the Maryland Diaper Bank’s leadership and board of directors feels compelled to open its doors earlier than planned to help furloughed families in need.

“We have entered a time when we must come together and help our community more than ever before.” said Shelly Tucker, Founder of the Maryland Diaper Bank. “Many of our local families have been affected by the government shutdown and we can’t just sit on the sidelines watching for what will happen next. We at the Maryland Diaper Bank believe that no matter the economic status, every baby deserves to have a clean bottom. Join us in spreading the word and consider giving a gift via our Amazon Wish List.” []

It is commonly known, that 1 out of 3 Americans struggle to afford diapers. The current government shut down has exacerbated this very troubling problem. The lack of… proper diaper supplies can attribute to poor health and hygiene for both the child and parents. There is also no federal assistance for purchasing diapers, unlike other essentials like food or health insurance. Programs like WIC, SNAP, Medicaid help provide parents with nutritious foods and the supports they and their babies need to stay healthy, but diapers have never been considered for a subsidy, though all babies need them.

About Maryland Diaper Bank

The Maryland Diaper Bank was established to provide basic diaper needs to stimulate health, growth and good hygiene for babies in Maryland. Currently serving southern Maryland families, the Maryland Diaper Bank was established to help reduce the struggle of Maryland families by providing babies with adequate diapering essentials.

The Maryland Diaper Bank invites you to donate to this very important cause. To take action now to support families with basic diapering essentials you can:

  1. Donate Diapers Through our Amazon Wishlist [Link:]

  2. Host a Diaper Drive

  3. Give Diapers at a Drop-Off Location

  4. Give a Monetary Gift

To take action now, visit our website at

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